Cost to Design an App in 2019: What Goes into the Cost of Mobile App Design?
Here we will explore the stages of designing the application. To start with, you should understand, the design is not about only how does your app appear, there is about how does it work. This is a reason why a designer should start working on the application from the stage of idea evaluation.
Idea Evaluation is a necessary stage for understanding the concept of the application. The main challenge is to determine the problem your app will solve. Also, you should understand the way of solving. Evaluating an idea is not a simple process, and Leam Model Canvas is a perfect tool to make a detailed vision of the app.
One of the main challenges of this stage is to create a similar vision of the project for the client and the dev team.
The next important step you should take is to conduct market research. This allows you to explore relevant trends, understand the market situation, and define your competitors. Now you can see trends in the app design field:
Simplification of the user journey
Content-centered experience
Vibrant colors
Conversational design
When you fill out the Lean Model Canvas, you can make a Mind Map by analyzing your Lean Model Canvas and taking into account your requirements for the project. A mind map visualizes the logical structure between the main components of the project.
You need the Mind Map because it helps to structure all the things and ideas for your application in the laconic form.
There are the first steps in designing the application, for more info, check out our fresh article: